Bourlet offers expert framing advice for all types of artwork
Contemporary framing for modern living
Bourlet frames enhance and protect their images. Our frames compliment their artworks rather than compete with them.
Whatever style or budget you have in mind, we are here to help and advise.

Specialist framing for collectors and galleries
Bourlet frame artworks for many leading galleries and collectors. Our frames can enhance the value of their artworks and often reinvigorate an owner’s love of their collection.

Bourlet’s exceptional legacy lives on
The London firm of Bourlet has been making the finest frames for nearly 200 years and remains a notable authority on restoration and craftsmanship in the art world today.
A Bourlet frame deepens an owner’s appreciation of their artwork.

Visit Bourlet
At Bourlet’s Chelsea workshop, expert craftsmen create frames for private clients, galleries and auctions.
Why not contact us to make an appointment to discuss a commission?